Welcome to the Canyonlander!

Your go-to source for bca news & updates

This newsletter is distributed from time to time to keep the members and friends of the Bandera Canyonlands Alliance (BCA) updated on activities and issues of interest.

Our new look & Website


If you have not been to the BCA website lately you should take a look. We have a new logo and branding and have also moved our online presence to a new framework which allows quick access on your computer or mobile device. You will find information about activities, events, and resources for landowners. In the resources section, there is information about best stewardship practices including preserving & planting native plants for pollinators, birds and wildlife. You can also read about the importance of protecting riparian areas along rivers. The new website can be accessed at: https://banderacanyonlandsalliance.org/

BCA Fall Membership Meeting Date Announced (Saturday, October 8th, 2022)

Please mark your calendars for Saturday, October 8th, 2022 and make plans to attend our fall membership meeting which will be held near Vanderpool. Our meetings typically feature educational programs on conservation efforts and provide a networking / social opportunity for members. We will be sending additional details later this summer.

State of the Hill Country Report Reveals Threats to the region

The Texas Hill Country is at a crossroads with tremendous growth and development presenting threats to our natural resources. The Hill Country Conservation Alliance has released a comprehensive report identifying eight metrics: Population growth in unincorporated areas, conserved lands, developed lands, pristine streams, water consumption, spring flow, night sky visibility, and conservation investment. It is a great read and you can access it directly at this link: bit.ly/StateofTXHillCountry

Unpermitted dam on Sabinal River Under Regulatory Scrutiny


A number of landowners noticed a large dam being constructed north of Vanderpool. The construction of this dam was reported to various State and Federal regulatory agencies, including US Army Corps of Engineers, Texas Parks & Wildlife, Texas Commission on Environmental Quality, and the EPA. It was determined that none of the proper permits were apparently obtained prior to construction and the US Army Corps of Engineers issued a cease-and-desist order to halt construction. The Bandera County River Authority and Groundwater District (BCRAGD) is also closely monitoring the project and any actions taken by the regulatory authorities.

BCA has sent a letter to the Corps of Engineers outlining the landowner concerns including:

  • Stringent enforcement of all applicable State & Federal approval and permitting requirements and related enforcement actions for noncompliance.

  • Protection of property rights of both upstream and downstream landowners.

  • Ensuring river flow in this low-flow, drought-sensitive segment of the river be maintained at normal historical levels.

  • Restoration of the extensive damage which has occurred to both the riverbank and riverbed.

  • Ensuring that any remediation or restoration efforts do not pose additional risks during high water or flood events.

  • Promoting full transparency with the community about the regulatory requirements and enforcement actions.

Changes Proposed for Domestic Water Wells in Bandera County

A public hearing on a rule change proposed by Bandera County River Authority and Groundwater District will be held at 10:00 AM on Thursday, July 14th, 2022 at the BCRAGD offices at 440 FM 3240 in Bandera. BCRAGD is seeing the need to be proactive in protecting water availability due to unprecedented development in the county. The proposed changes would not affect existing wells or neighborhoods that were platted prior to 2022. The proposed change would require a minimum acreage of 10 acres, instead of the current 5 acres for a registered domestic well. Developers can still choose to plat lots with less than 10 acres, but the wells will either have to be permitted with a water meter or the developer will have to provide a municipal water supply.

Bandera County landowners can either plan to attend the meeting or send a letter to the BCRAGD to make comments regarding the issue. View the Public Hearing Notice here: bit.ly/BCRAGD_PublicHearing. The draft of the rule change can be accessed here: bit.ly/BCRAGD_Draft.


Another Important Update