From the beginning, the Bandera Canyonlands Alliance (BCA) has been a group of landowners with a shared love for the land, water, and way of life that makes this part of the Texas Hill Country so special. While the origin of the BCA was a small loosely organized group of neighbors back in 2000, it has now become a fully incorporated, non-profit conservation organization. Our members span those who have lived on the land for multiple generations to those who recently acquired property in the area. While this group may have a wide variety of beliefs and interests, they all share a common love and respect for the natural resources in our area and the people who live and work in the Bandera Canyonlands.
Conservation and protection efforts have guided the BCA to help preserve habitat for local wildlife and vegetation. One program that goes back to the genesis of the organization and continues today is the Feral Hog Management Cooperative. This program works to eradicate hogs which cause serious damage to sensitive vegetation and destroy wildlife habitats.
A key aspect of the BCA mission is to serve as an educational resource for landowners who are passionate about being good stewards of their property. The BCA holds general membership meetings two times a year that include informational sessions on a variety of topics.
The BCA has also been successful in educating and mobilizing the public about threats to the pristine water and land in the Canyonlands. Grassroots efforts have been effective in organizing local landowners and others against the threats of cell phone towers, pipelines, wastewater discharge, and other risks that would negatively impact the ecology of the region.
In 2020, the BCA received the Guidestar Silver Transparency designation for non-profit organizations. Today the BCA continues to grow as more landowners join the efforts to preserve and honor the natural resources and beauty of the Bandera Canyonlands region of Texas.