Another Important Update

Dear Members and Supporters:

We are excited to share this significant update on “Save Our Sabinal.”

This week Young Life officials made substantial progress starting the regulatory process to implement a Zero Discharge approach for wastewater management at their camp at LoneHollow Ranch between Utopia and Vanderpool, TX.

Here are the three critically important steps Young Life put in motion this week:
• They have filed an application for a Texas Land Application Permit (TLAP) with the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ)

• A reuse authorization has been submitted allowing for the effluent to be used for irrigation on the camp’s property.

• Most importantly, the Wastewater Discharge (TPDES) permit has been officially withdrawn from TCEQ consideration.

Below we are including a copy of the press release Young Life has issued today outlining the details of the steps they’ve taken this week. We are also sharing a copy of the press release BCA is distributing today thanking our members and supporters who have engaged on this issue.

Our press release also contains information about where your “Save Our Sabinal” signs can be dropped off for repurpose or recycling, and initial plans for our fall meeting.

We are very appreciative of everyone’s efforts to “Save Our Sabinal.”

As always, we promise to stay in touch and keep you updated.


Merry Langlinais
Bandera Canyonlands Alliance

Young Life Press Release (August 20, 2021)

Bandera Canyonlands Press Release (August 20, 2021)


Welcome to the Canyonlander!


Wonderful News!