Become a member
The Bandera Canyonlands Alliance was incorporated on March 7, 2008 as a Texas non-profit corporation. The Corporation is organized and operated to manage, protect and preserve the ecological systems that support the biodiversity, water resources, natural beauty and rural way of life in the Bandera Canyonlands for future generations. Specific activities of the Corporation include:
1. Conservation and enhancement of native plants and wildlife with a focus on maximizing native biodiversity.
2. Protection and preservation of the abundance and quality of water resources.
3. Promotion of “best practices” for Ashe juniper (aka mountain cedar) management.
4. Enhancement and maintenance of landscape integrity.
5. Education of members and the public on the benefits of good land stewardship in general and on conservation matters in the Bandera Canyonlands in particular.
Tax deductible donations are accepted from both government and private sources. Funds are used to implement the activities stated above.
Members of the Alliance (“Members”) are not obligated in any way to the Texas Agricultural Extension Service, the Texas Parks and Wildlife Department or the Alliance. Members are free to agree or disagree with the management practices presented by the Alliance. All Members recognize the need for wildlife, water and habitat management in order to improve and maintain the wildlife, water and habitat on their property.
Annual Dues are $35.00. Make checks payable to Bandera Canyonlands Alliance.
Please mail to: Bandera Canyonlands Alliance, PO Box 164, Vanderpool, TX 78885.